Back in 2018, when HelloHipHop was launched, I wanted to give children an alternative to tablets and phones, to offer the children a creative means into which they can voice their emotions without the need for technology. And by teaching them to express their emotions through organic funky literature, music, art and dance rather than putting things online, the result is a happier, healthier and above all safer lifestyle.
Meet the founder
BBoy Philthee
After first discovering Breakin' at the age of 17, I am now 40 and a father of 2 beautiful children. This hasn't stopped me dancing, in fact it has motivated me even more!
The well-being of young people is my passion! I’m an experienced performer and teacher and having competed in many battles and cyphers my soul aim now is to pass my knowledge and skills to the younger generation. Hence the reason behind HelloHipHop. Without the great influencers and inspirational people that I have met along the way the cause that HelloHipHop stands for would not be possible.