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Established in 2018, we are blessed to have built such positive feedback. Here are some from the schools and community projects we've been involved in.

"As always the children loved it!"


"This year for our SEND Summerscheme we welcomed Hello Hip Hop back for the third year.  As always the children loved it! They were adaptable to the individual children’s needs, and showed skill and empathy in running the sessions. We look forward to seeing you back next year!"  Anna Perfitt - project director and family support manager at LJWB

Delta Academy Trust, greenlane primary school hip hop workshop feedback. Breakdance for kids. Health and Wellbeing in schools. Keeping children healthy in schools.
The health and wellbeing workshops at St Vincents charity event was amazing. Everybody, including the parents enjoyed it. We held DJing and Graffiti workshops for the children in Leeds.
Meadowfield primary booked HelloHipHop in for the summer fair. We had a blast! Lots of fun with music and dance. We offer lots new creative ideas for children and events.
building confidence for children. Hip Hop workshops for kids in Leeds
Colton Primary-

What a way to wake up on a Monday morning! The children were thrilled by the amazing dance moves and Phil's enthusiasm is infectious. Both staff and children really enjoyed their introduction to HipHop."

C. Johnson (Headteacher)
St Pauls Catholic Primary-

  "The Hip-Hop Whole School Assembly was fun, engaging and informative. Phil was a brilliant host and his love for the culture of Hip-Hop was clear to see.
I would strongly recommend schools inviting Phil in to work with their staff and children. He has a clear vocation to educate the children in Leeds about Hip-Hop, health and wellbeing. His brilliant dancing supported his teaching and the children responded to his clear message."

P. Bowker (Headteacher)
Brodetsky Primary-

  "The children and staff were inspired and the underlying messages of peace, love, unity and having fun were shared in such an exciting and energetic way!"

S. Bhogal (Deputy HeadTeacher)

Quote from a parent
'Very inspiring Hip-Hop demo, my boys came home all excited about it!'

Lee Brigg Primary-

"Wow, the children (and staff) loved it! Might you be available to do an after school club at some point next year?"

L.Tutt (Deputy HeadTeacher)
Wykebeck Primary-

  "Thank you for your amazing assembly yesterday on the values of HipHop.
You captivated all our pupils, so much so, they are still talking about it today! Thank you once again. I look forward to working with you and the good times ahead!

Ms G. Jennings (Deputy HeadTeacher)

Talbot Primary-
  "The level of energy and Phil's positivity was infectious. The children left with more knowledge of HipHop Culture and enormous smiles on their faces!"
J. Rivers (Deputy HeadTeacher)
Leeds Grammar GSAL Junior School-

  "What a way to start our Tuesday morning! A super performance to wake us all up and energized for the day ahead! The children and staff alike were thrilled by the incredible dance moves and the underlying message of peace, love, unity and having fun. Thank you!"

A. Gifford (Acting Assistant Head)

Allerton C of E Primary-
   "What a fantastic Workshop! We really enjoyed all the Elements, please come back again. Amazing!"
L. Lynch (Head of  Dance)

Kirkstall St Stevens Primary-
   "Absolutely amazing! A really inspiring session encouraging children to be positive, resilient but also enjoy and develop their own style and passions"

Chapel Allerton Primary-
   "It was an excellent assembly, the children were certainly impressed with the dancing while the messages regarding positive mindsets echo what we promote in school."
S. Heal (Deputy Headteacher)

Castleton Primary-
   "Amazing today! I've had requests from children for you back!"
A. Riley (Co-Headteacher)

Weetwood Primary-
   "Many thanks for presentation yesterday. The children and staff thoroughly enjoyed it!"
H. Davis (Teacher)

Leavers assembly Instagram comment-

  "Thank you so much for such an
inspiring unforgettable to my daughters and her classmates end to the school. It was amazing ... I am very inspired by your energy and passion!"

N. Harris (Parent)
Hip Hop Workshop-

  " Witnessed Phil's work at the event. He and his staff were truly professional. I myself felt intrigued and felt I was going back into my past. The young children were so involved and looking at their faces had a great time. I can't wait to meet Phil again. You won't be disappointed!"

Anita (Support teacher)
Cleethorpes Urban Arts Festival-

  " Thanks so much to Phil and his team for coming to our festival! Such a
massive inspiration for the young people teaching them the elements of Hip Hop. They worked with kids of all ages and even encouraged the more shy ones to get up and have a go, they go above and beyond. Thanks a lot guys yet again for the fourth year running you have been amazing."

L. Powles (Event founder and Organiser)

HipHop Workshop (LJWB Summer Camp)-
   "Hello Hip Hop delivered a fantastic full-day session for the children at our Summer Camp in 2018. Phil and the team were professional and engaging, and the kids loved the day! So when we came to planning for 2019, Phil was one of the first providers we contacted as we knew we wanted HelloHipHop to come and work with us again!"
A. Perfitt (Summer Camp Organizer )

Bardsey Primary-

"It was a motivating and inspiring week for all the children giving them the experience of something they have not tried. Thanks Phil, we would love to work with you again!" C. Hackworth (Year 5)

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